204 Rehoboth Avenue

Rehoboth Beach, delaware

302 - 200 - 5607

Metaphysical shop & Psychic services

friday - Sunday 12 P.M.- 7 P.m.

Closed Monday- Thursday

"Discover Your Path, Embrace Your Journey."

Connect with the mystical nature of the universe at Read You Tarot, where you'll discover the hidden powers of crystals, the wisdom of tarot, and unique spiritual tools that will inspire transformation and lead you on a journey of self-discovery.








Enchant, Transcend, & Illuminate

Enchant, Transcend, & Illuminate

meet the star 

Meet Adhara, thee oracle priestess of the stars and visionary artist with nearly a decade of experience in guiding individuals towards self-discovery and empowerment. Blending the intuitive art of tarot interpretation with a deep passion for creativity, Adhara has dedicated themself to illuminating the paths of others through the ancient wisdom of the cards and the evocative power of art.

As a tarot reader, Adhara has honed their craft through years of insightful readings, providing clients with profound insights, clarity, and spiritual guidance. Their intuitive approach and empathic nature have earned them a reputation for delivering deeply resonant and transformative readings, empowering individuals to embrace their true potential and navigate life's complexities with confidence.

In tandem with their tarot practice, Adhara is an accomplished creator and artist whose evocative creations are imbued with symbolic depth and spiritual energy. Their art and creations serve as a visual conduit for personal and collective exploration, inviting viewers to delve into the realms of the subconscious and unearth profound truths about themselves and the world around them.

With a decade-long journey as a tarot reader and artist, Adhara continues to inspire and uplift others, offering a unique fusion of divination and artistic expression to ignite the spark of self-discovery and transformation in all who seek their guidance.

Enchant, Transcend, & Illuminate

Enchant, Transcend, & Illuminate

Enchanting EMPOWERMENT; helping transcend the COLLECTIVE AND illuminate the path for all to embrace their highest self.